Technical Data
APOC 300
Non-Fibered Asphalt Emulsion
- Great for use in cold process roofing
- Use with polyester or chopped glass
- Excellent base coat for reflective coatings
- Great for below-grade dampproofing
APOC 300 Non-Fibered Asphalt Emulsion is a UL Rated, professional grade product for coating built-up, mineral surfaced, metal, concrete, corrugated and other roof surfaces. It is also great for use in polyester roofing systems. APOC 300 has excellent weathering qualities and is non-flammable, odorless and bonds to damp or dry surfaces. It can also be used for dampproofing above or below grade foundation walls, sealing masonry surfaces and retaining walls and as an anti-corrosive wood, metal, and pipe coating. Finally, APOC 300 contains no solvents so it will not deteriorate or harm insulation or Styrofoam boards and is easy to use and clean up. DO NOT ALLOW STORED PRODUCT TO FREEZE.